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- 联系人:方先生
- 手机:13405862500
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- 传真:025-52407402
- 237771930
- 237771930@qq.com
关键词:托盘 发布于:2012/5/22 13:46:12
Compares with the wooden block plate has the nature lightly, steady, artistic, the integrity good, does not have the nail smoothly, tasteless non-toxic, acidproof, bears the alkali, anti-corrosive, is easy to flush the disinfection, not to be rotten, does not aid combustion, does not have the static electricity spark, may recycle and so on the merit, the service life is wooden tray 5-7 time; Is important tool which the modernized transportation, the packing, stores in a storehouse, is on international stipulates uses in profession storage necessary equipment and so on food, aquatic product, medicine, chemical; The company persisted fulfills pledged: The product guarantees a nature for year (artificial damage to be an exception)"outside Protect a quality period, bad tray three trade one".
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更多产品请登录公司网站:www.52400472.com或 www.hulanwang.net 或 www.lt-cn.net
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